In "Maritime engineering", we understand the planning, design, construction and finally the building of everything that floats on the water and/or has to do with the water. NavConsult is the specialist within the Schramm group. Founded in 2006, we provide our employees in Brunsbüttel and Kiel (Gebr. Friedrich yard) highly specialized customized consulting services. One of our main focuses is the development of tugs, pontoons and specialized vessels in the offshore sector.
When designing tugs and work boats, we rely to the experience and requirements of the company Hans Schramm & Sohn Schleppschifffahrt and develop practical solutions for maritime duties.
One of our latest designs is the NavTug® FlatTop, a powerful handy sized multipurpose anchor handling and assistance tug with a large flat deck area, which is in successful operation since 2012 under the name "TORSTEN".
The following link will take you directly to NavConsult AWSS GmbH & Co. KG: